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Of course, it is important to take your pet to your veterinarian when he is sick as soon as possible. 
However, much more important to take him periodically checked out when he appears to be healthy. This called vet examination, pet medical exam or a check-up.
 Its purpose is not to treat existing symptoms, but to ensure no illnesses are in their early stages to maintain your pet’s good health. 

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We recommend complete twice-yearly comprehensive vet exam to keep your pets healthy for as long as possible. 
Always remember that your pet can’t tell you when something feels wrong, but you can see that and your veterinarian can diagnose. 
Rely on regular comprehensive examinations, as well as your own observations as the pet’s owner, to determine the state of your pet’s overall health. 
These examinations are vital to the long-term well-being of your pets.


In our vet clinic, your pet will receive a nose-to-tail checkup – the comprehensive exam includes an examination of all of your pet’s major body systems to help ensure that they are functioning, as they should.

  • Weigh

    At each pet wellness exam, we will weigh your pet, compare the figure with previous checks and advise you on the nutrition and exercises for the pet, based on this data.

  • Skin and Eyes

    Your pet’s skin and coat condition are the great indicators of a pet’s overall health. The same, pet’s eyes, their irregular or abnormal responses to light, discharge, or redness, structures in the back of the eye are the vision indicator. Such regular checks will allow us to detect the vision problems in time and prevent its development.

  • Ears

    We will also examine the ear flap, deep ear canals, and ear drums for any abnormal smells, redness, the presence of infection, parasites such as ear mites, growths or tumors.

  • Nose and Mouth

    Your pet’s nose and the inside of his mouth shape shows dental health and helps to detect any signs of periodontal disease.

  • Full-Body Review

    Your pet’s legs, joints, abdomen and anal sacs examination will allow checking for any unusual reactions, such as the appearance of pain or abnormal lumps or even parasites. 

  • Heart and Lungs

    At last using a stethoscope, your veterinarian will listen to your pet’s heart and lungs. Heart murmurs and abnormal lung sounds tell him a lot about your pet’s condition. Older pets may also have blood tests to check their kidneys, liver, and other internal organs.

Pet examination important part - detailed discussion with you as the owner. Because you are the only person who know all pets life details.
That simple, routine testing can add years to your pet's life.
If you would like to schedule an exam for your pet, please call us today.